‘O come, let us adore him’
What is really stopping you from doing that this year?
Last night I heard a poem which had one question ringing throughout it , ‘are you ready for Christmas?’. The challenge was to look beyond what you think you still need to do and get but rather to look to Him who was born without a lavish celebration and notice and serve those around us for whom this time of year is difficult.
A few of our church family at Trinity, Boardmills have kindly shared their Christmas memories of Christmas past. These memories are striking. Can you spot the theme? These wonderful recollections speak volumes to us in our chaotic, must have it now and do it now world. Let’s delve in.
The secrets of Christmas– the joy brought by giving surprises and the delight written on little faces through receiving surprises.
The joy of receiving Christmas cards– the excitement of the cards in the Postman’s satchel as he biked it through the countryside on Christmas Day! These cards were kept from year to year as few were sent and received. They were precious and appreciated.
The delight of routine– for some it was the memory of an orange and a brand new shiny copper penny (for sweets of course!) for others it was the apple and chocolate coins that appeared every year.
The wonderous aroma from the kitchen– the meat of choice reflected the money the family had or didn’t have but the joy was in the smells wafting from the kitchen. Whether it was the aroma of a turkey or a goose, the preparation and cooking of this special family meal at Christmas brought great anticipation and joy for those hungry tummies waiting to taste it.
Awareness of sacrifice– gifts cost money and these often larger families were thankful with the sacrifice of parents so that they had something to open. Size and quantity didn’t matter. Career Defining Moment- for one lady Christmas Day involved a traumatic incident involving her father. As this family waited for the bus to go to take him to hospital the thoughts of food and gifts were far from their minds. However, what emerged from this event was a decision to become a nurse. The kindness of those so diligently caring for her family on Christmas Day made a huge impact on this young girl.
The warmth of the company– who gathers around the tree was remembered much more clearly that what was actually under the tree. Most of us could remember one favourite gift that we were given over the years. Not one gift from every year but one childhood gift. That speaks volumes.
The joy of those I spoke to was no less but it is obvious the focus and level of appreciation was different. How easy for us to feel we need to purchase more and more for those we love when time and being present is what really matters. Gathering creates memories and these can be treasured and remembered.
So, you can see how the simplicity of Christmases past allows time for us to, ‘come and adore Him’. Let us slow down and seek His presence amidst the presents. We can choose to celebrate the lavishness of God’s love in Jesus this year. Will you?