In November 2024, we invited our organisations to nominate a leader or helper to come and join in a First Aid course that was being held in our halls over two evenings. Run by Avonmore Training Solutions Ltd, this gave an opportunity for some to refresh their training that might have been a little out of date, or for others to learn for the first time. We are very grateful to those that gave up their spare time to attend, and we did have a nice selection from across the organisations.

A lot of information was shared over the Wednesday night sessions, and also the participants came away with more confidence that if the circumstance arose, they could actually help, but the best  way to learn what went on is in the words of some of those participants themselves!

It was very informative, practical and aiming to provide everyone there with confidence in carrying out basic assistance to someone in distress. Entertaining at times as well.

“I have to say Graham was excellent and was in no rush to get away each evening. There was a lot covered, I found both the CPR training and how to treat someone having a seizure useful and would hope that should I be found in either situation around Church / Community with the help of others I could make a difference and administer the three P’s… Preserve Life,
Prevent the situation worsening and Promote Recovery ( if possible!) Alastair was a great sport (we had some laughs) and yes pity we didn’t get a photo!”

“I’m very thankful for the opportunity to have participated in this training. There was a great atmosphere, and we all had lots of fun learning together. Graham definitely equipped us to have a go!! I now wouldn’t do nothing but could at least attempt to help. Practical experience on manikins was invaluable. Take away: Always have your medical tools (inhalers, EpiPens etc) with your child. If you declare it on a form, make sure they come with the child to the organisation each night. Great we’ve 2 local defibs – CPR is doable.”

“The first thing that I’ve taken away from the training would be if someone is having a seizure to stand calmly around them and watch their seizure and make sure to time it. once the seizure passes five minutes then call 999 if this seizure stops then ask the person if it’s their first time and if it is send them to hospital. But all you can do in the circumstances is just watch them and make sure that their head is nicely supported with anything like a coat or a pillow if you have it but anything that’s soft to prop their head up. Make sure there’s no danger that they can’t hit into things. The second one would be defibrillator knowing that you must prep the chest before putting the pads on. So, if you have someone with a hairy chest, you need to make sure the hair is gone before putting the pads on or the machine doesn’t work. You also need to make sure that you can get the defibrillator from the wall and to the person in under three minutes. If you cannot get there on time you will have to start your chest compressions without the defibrillator. Time is very precious.”

As was mentioned above, Trinity has two defibrillators and are happy to be able to make these available to our whole community. They are positioned on the outside walls of the church building and the Killaney Hall, with details held by the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service who can give access to anyone requiring using them. We have had several contacts from The Circuit who monitor when external defibrillators are taken from location, so we hope that we have been able to support someone in a time of need.

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