Hi I’m Mike,
I’ve always had an interest in my faith in Christ, keen to learn more but never really knowing where I stood or what I believed. I became involved with Trinity through my girlfriend at the time (now wife) Sara-Jane who’s a life-long member of Trinity Boardmills.
I had gone to the Church’s Young Adult evenings where we met up for food and fellowship. A then foreign concept to me which I now love meeting up with my Church family to learn more about our glorious saviour Jesus Christ! I started going to Fellowship groups as a part of the Christianity Explored series, where we delved into Mark’s Gospel to reflect on the stories, we all know from when we were young and can easily gloss over the message within the pages.
Having got involved with Fellowship groups, I have been able to grow in my faith. Through gathering together as a group of Christians to discuss the good word of our Lord, I know myself that some passages can be a struggle at times, where being able to have a space and time dedicated to learn from one another has been invaluable to me in my journey.
Meeting in these smaller groups of study also has allowed me to build relationships within our church, it’s a warm, safe environment where we can chat through the struggles going on in our lives, lend an open ear and uphold one another in prayer. Fellowship groups have been so valuable to me in my journey in faith and I’m forever thankful for my Church family and the opportunities we get to meet, eat and pray together.