Our Beliefs


We believe in one God who exists eternally as three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that He is worthy of all worship and praise because He is supreme in being, beauty and glory. He is the one God who created all things, seen and unseen, who placed the stars in the heavens, and who shaped and fashioned the world. He is the God who rescues and saves His people so that through the Son we can call God our Father. This mighty, powerful, unfathomable God desires to draw close to us personally, that we might know him and experience his love and grace.


We believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of God. We believe the Bible was written by people thousands of years ago who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. This has resulted in the Old Testament which paves the way for the coming of Jesus and the New Testament which tells us of his coming, his death and resurrection. We believe the Bible is true, understandable, powerful to change lives, authoritative, and sufficient for us to know how we are saved.


The cross is the centre of the Christian religion across the world. We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. It was no accident that he was crucified nor was it the end of a good teacher, a wise man, or a failed revolutionary. Jesus Christ is the Son of God who hung upon the cross for the sin of his people. Without the cross the Christian faith has no good news, without the cross there is no forgiveness, and without the cross there is no hope. We trust that on the cross all our sin, guilt and shame was dealt with by Jesus as he suffered and died. Gloriously, wondrously, Jesus did not stay in the grave but rose from the dead three days later. In this he proved that he is who he said he was, that there is life beyond the grave and that the Christian hope is a living hope.


We believe that at Pentecost, the Father and the Son poured the Holy Spirit upon the Church. When we place our faith in Jesus as Son of God and in his work on the cross the Holy Spirit resides within us also. He is a person and not a force or power or an ‘it’. The Holy Spirit is fully God alongside the Father and the Son. The Spirit equips the Church to be able to live as God’s people in the world, He empowers the Church to live godly lives, and He changes us daily to become ever more like Jesus.


We belong to the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) which has long been associated with the symbol of the burning bush. Moses encountered God in a burning bush in the wilderness. The bush was on fire, but it was not burning up by the flames. It was a picture of how God exists independently of all things just as the fire existed without the need to burn the bush. As a member of PCI we submit to the General Assembly and the ministers and elders subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith as a declaration of their own faith.