This Week’s Sermon
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Galatians 3:26-4:7
Adopted as Sons
Paul writes to the Galatians of one of the most wonderful benefits of the gospel – adoption into the family of God.
Sermons Archive
Galatians 3:15-25
What to do with the law?
Did the law undo the blessing given to Abraham? Not at all! What role then does the law have in the life of the believer?
Galatians 3:1-14
Father Abraham
Paul reminds us again that we are saved by faith. Not simply at our conversion but throughout all of life.
Galatians 2:15-21
Justified By Grace
Paul continues his confrontation with Peter reminding him and us that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone.
Galatians 2:11-14
Gospel Confrontation
Paul must publicly rebuke Peter for putting boundaries up within the church in Antioch. Peter is under pressure to conform to the law and chooses to eat only with the Jewish believers. For Paul, this is unacceptable and in defiance of the gospel. As believers we must live lives that reflect the gospel.
Church Fellowship Weekend
Sunday Family Service
Ben Walker concludes our Fellowship Weekend baking a cake with the kids and reminding us of the work of God through us as a Church
Church Fellowship Weekend
Friday Evening
Ben Walker begins to lead our thoughts from Ephesians on what it means to be Church over our Fellowship Weekend
Galatians 1:11-24
This is My Story
Paul recounts how he came to faith from his background of being a good religious man and a persecutor of the church.
Galatians 1:1-10
There is only one Gospel
In our new series we explore Paul’s defence of his status as an Apostle and the gospel
1 Samuel 28 & Luke 24:36-49
Easter Sunday PM
The contrast between the ghostly appearance of Samuel and the physical resurrection of Jesus gives us a good understanding of what our resurrection bodies will be like.
Luke 24:13-35
Easter Sunday
Jesus opens the Scriptures to two heart broken disciples on the road to Emmaus
Matthew 21:1-17
Palm Sunday
Jesus rides into Jerusalem meek and mild on a donkey but when he gets there he performs a prophetic act which declares the priority of worship
Matthew 20:18-34
Jesus Heals the Blind
In Sundays service Matthew lead our thoughts from Matthew 20:18-34 on Jesus Healing the Blind
Matthew 20:17-28
The Servant King
In Sundays service Richard lead our thoughts from Matthew 20:17-28 on The Servant King
Ephesians 4:1-16
Unity and Maturity
For Sundays PW service Heidi England (deaconess in Railway Street, Lisburn) lead our thoughts on Unity and Maturity in Christ
Matthew 20:1-16
Workers in the Vineyard
Richard leads us through this familiar passage as we continue to journey through Matthews gospel together.
Matthew 19:13-30
Entering the Kingdom
Jesus presents two different people to us in this passage. The child who can provide nothing for themselves is the one to whom the kingdom is promised. Whereas the rich young ruler who can provide all he needs finds himself outside the kingdom because of his love for his wealth.
Matthew 19:1-12
On Sunday we looked at some difficult words from Jesus regarding divorce. It is an issue which has affected most of us, if not all of us, in our society, and so we listen to Jesus’ words to correct us and encourage us to faithful marriages and full lives.
Matthew 18:21-35
In this parable Jesus reminds us that our need to forgive others is deeply rooted in God’s forgiveness of us. If we understand the depth of our debt and the extent to which God had to go in order to forgive us then we would better be able to forgive others.
Matthew 18:15-20
Church Discipline
This week we were meeting in the McKee Hall due to refurbishments in the Church building. We continued our series in Matthew looking at church discipline and how we interact with those who have sinned against us.
Matthew 18:1-14
Little Children
In this passage Jesus teaches us who will be great in the Kingdom of God but also stresses our need to care or one another. Primarily in not causing others to sin, secondly in fighting our own sin, and thirdly is searching for the little ones who go astray
Matthew 17:24-27
Fishing for Coins
In this often forgotten miracle Jesus reminds us of his unique position as the eternal Son and our adoption into the family. We also witness the wonder of the miracle working God who through his providence guides everything for the good of his people.
Matthew leads us through the revelation of Jesus divinity as he is transfigured before his disciples
Matthew 17:1-23
The Transfiguration
Matthew leads us through the revelation of Jesus divinity as he is transfigured before his disciples
Matthew 16:21-28
Pick up our cross
On Sunday we reflected on the challenge to “Pick up our cross” and follow Christ
Hebrews 2:1-4
The Dangers of Spiritual Drift
On Sunday we reflected on the great salvation won for us by Jesus and of our need to respond by paying much closer attention to him in this new year.
Ezekiel 43 + Ezekiel 47
Our study in Ezekiel was brought to a close with two sermons in one this week. The Glory Returns (Ezekiel 43) and The Tree of Life (Ezekiel 47).
Ezekiel 37 – the Gospel according to the Holy Spirit
Matthew leads us through the famous passage from Ezekiel of the dry bones in the valley. Only the Spirit of God can bring life to these bones that they might live under the one King – Jesus
Ezekiel 36 – A New Heart
In Ezekiel 36 we learn that our hearts are sick, more than that they are made of stone and we are in desperate need of a new, living heart. The good news is that God will give us a new heart that we might live for his glory and his fame.
Psalm 131 Calm & Content
This Sunday we were delighted to have Moore Casement (Director, Cornhill Belfast) preaching from Psalm 131 reminding us that contentment does not come from a prideful focus upon ourselves but rather a focus upon Christ
Ezekiel 34 – Two Shepherds
There are two types of shepherds. The people of Israel have suffered at the hands of their leaders who have mistreated and robbed them. God comes to the rescue as the Good Shepherd who will care for and protect his sheep.