Mission is an integral part of who we are as a Church family in Boardmills, whether that’s living missionally in our day to day lives or supporting our mission partners both financially and prayerfully as an extension of our church family on a local, national and global scale. We hope to include blog posts from our mission partners on a regular basis – keep an eye on this page to stay informed and partner with us in mission.
Mission Local
Trinity Sports Connect and our Holiday Bible Club are annual events each summer to reach out to our local community and provide summer activities and a Christian witness to kids and teens in our local area.
Mission Partners
A number of our members have left the security of full time paid employment to follow God’s call in their lives. You’ll find out more in coming months through blog posts so watch this space to get informed so you can partner with them.
Monthly Mission Focus
We are regularly informed and support many mission agencies through a monthly mission focus in our Sunday worship. This has led to our congregation regularly supporting a number of Mission Agencies and Ministries both financially and in prayer.
Short Term Mission
Each summer a significant number of our young people get involved in short term mission teams locally, nationally and internationally. As a church family we endeavour to encourage them to experience more of God and grow in their faith through these short term mission teams and provide support both financially and in prayer.
Our Mission News
TSC 2023
Trinity Summer Camp Although the weather may have had [...]
Mission News
TSC 2023
Trinity Summer Camp Although the weather may have had [...]